4 Ways to Push Past Failure

So, you’ve failed. Not just a small mistake or a harmless slip up – a big, bad, epic, humiliating screw up! I’ve experienced plenty of failures in my life. From falling two points short of passing my 12th grade piano exam, to being fired not once, but twice in...

5 Pieces of Advice for an EXTREME 2018

BOOM! Just like that 2017 is coming to an end! We are now officially in resolutions season, triggering that amazing feeling of having a blank slate upon which to put a whole fresh set of hopes and goals. I looked back at some of my favorite articles and talks of 2017...

Attention Class of 2017: Go Forth and Screw Up!

Image: Faustin Tuyambaze/Unsplash   Did everyone suddenly turn, um, perfect? In this era of social-media awesomeness, where every screen we glance at shows us everyone’s perfectly Instagrammed picture and amazing career accolades and all the rest,...

Perfection is Overrated

How to win at this brilliant thing called life. We’re in the midst of graduation season — that wonderful time of year when I hear excerpts from inspiring commencement speeches; when I reflect back and remember myself with flawlessly wrinkle-free skin (but grossly...