How One Boston Marathoner Crushes All Her Extreme Goals

In a world of snow plough parenting, college admissions scandals and the $2Bn dollar a year “participation trophy” industry – it’s easy for an Extremer like me to get down in the dumps about the lengths I see people go to make life “easy”. It goes hand in hand with...

One Last New Year’s Resolution We Can All Commit To

So…. how many resolutions did you make around New Years? More than last year? More than ever? Asking that, I’m reminded of when I attended a conference, years ago, with a colleague who was all about collecting new LinkedIn connections. At the end of the...

What The Most Ambitious People All Have in Common

Well, sure, “work-life balance” sounds great. But let’s be real. If you’re at all ambitious – and you are, aren’t you? – there will be times you wake up and realize that your life has gone freaking insane. You’ve taken on too much and now...

Looking To Ignite Your Magic Drive?

Hello Team, this is your Extremer conscience speaking. Fall is in full swing, and there are only a few short months left to deliver on those New Year’s resolutions that we set so many moons ago. You did make some big goals for the year, didn’t you? Well, it’s not too...